Sunday, December 08, 2002

on the web

I came across a couple of articles focusing on the web, from November's issue of FirstMonday, which I enjoyed.

One, entitled Corporate Cyberstalking: An Invitation to Build Theory, takes a look at harassment both by and against corporations online. The intention of its author, Paul Bocij, is to get people to start paying attention to, and documenting these types of problems so that people have a better understanding of how to respond when they happen.

Another article, Examining the Determinants of Who is Hyperlinked to Whom: A Survey of Webmasters in Korea, looks at the reasons why a number of webmasters in Korea linked to other sites. While the factors for linking that they discussed may have played a part in decisions to link to sites from here, we try to add some new sites every once in a while that we find interesting. Here are some that I'm adding to our blog roll today:

Inter Alia
The ResourceShelf
Weatherall's Law

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