Monday, July 15, 2002

the link controversy page, and online expression

A comprehensive multi-lingual resource on legal issues involved with linking to web pages:
The Link Controversy Page is intended to provide an overview of the legal problems of using hyperlinks, inline images and frames on the WWW. Right now, this page covers problems in the area of copyright, trademark, trespass law as well as unfair competition law.
I seem to recall that Denise Howell wrote on her site about a month ago that she wished the Link Controversy page was still being maintained. Well, Denise, you got your wish. The latest update is July 13, 2002.

Another page worth looking at on linking is Brad Templeton's Linking Rights page. Brad Templeton is the Chairman of the Board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and a long time mover and shaker on the net.

One of the Foundation's latest efforts is a collaboration with a number of other groups to bring us, which is fighting against efforts to chill online speech. If you're a member of a message board or online community, the site is one you might want to visit.

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