Monday, August 30, 2004

Welcome to Funkytown

When I came across the following single page newsletter from the newest Mayor of the City of Newark, I had intended to copy it here. As an official municipal document, I figured it was in the public domain.

Somehow my copy got misplaced before I could transcribe it on the web.

The Mayor and the City Coucil have been having a rather rocky adjustment period as he becomes used to their style of operating the city, and he tries to do some things his own unique way.

I'm not sure I the City Council had a chance to look at this first issue before it was published, and I don't know if another followed behind it.

I've been keeping my eyes open, but it's possible that I missed the latest version. If I come across a newer one, I'll post that too.

I know that Larry hadn't seen a copy; I'm publishing this so that he does.

Funkytown Gazette

Musings from Mayor Vance Funk of Newark, Delaware
June 25, 2004

Vol. 1, No. 1

Reflections on the first 60 days

  • Only 61 City Council meetings to go.

  • Yes, you did actually see the street cleaner on Main Street last Saturday, cleaning the street and sidewalks. And, yes, you actually did see a City trash truck last Saturday afternoon emptying the trashcans on Main Street. Remember to make a difference by picking up litter in our communities.

  • If you haven't met me yet, I'm on Main Street sayng hello to everyone. It's really fun, because it's not expected. You would be surprised how much better you lookwith a smile.

  • For residents wh are participating in the "Find the City Police Car with Installed Radar," the correct answer is car 900. All the other answers are wrong. What you see in the front window is a camera.

  • Yes, you did actuall see me on Chapel Street with WILMAPCO and DELDOT representatives, and they have agreed to investigate using the land under the second trestle for a possible extension of the right-turn lane. They also agree that Cleveland Avenue could be three lanes between North College Avenue and New London Road, to help ease the gridlock every morning on Cleveland Avenue.

  • For those of you who answered "Bethany Beach" to the question, "Which Delaware town has more thatn 1,000 residents and the fewest radar units," you're wrong for two reasons:

    1. Bethany Beach does not have more than 1,000 full time residents.

    2. With six radar units, Bethany Beach has more units than several other cities.

  • If there is a need, I would like to donate my $8,400 salary to the Newark Police Department.

  • Yes, the DELDOT Design group is studying the Amstel/South College avenues intersection with the hope that a left trun lean, northbound onto South college, can be created, to make it easier to get to the Schilling-Douglas School of Hair Design and The Trap. They also are exploring the possibility that the light will stay green on South College Avenue unless needed for pedestrian crossings. This way, my friends in Covered Bridge Farms can stop using Orchard Road as a shortcut.

  • Traffic Studies: Imagine someone racing down Orchard or Beverly roads at 40 m.p.h., approaching Winslow Avenue and finding themselves in the middle of a traffic study. Maybe they would start using South College Avenue and Elkton Road. Why do so many cars use these roads? We need a traffic Study to find out. To do a traffic study, you need two students, one police officer, on traffic study sign and quetionnaires to fill out, which I'm sure WILMAPCO can give us. You can use the students in my office: four hours, three times a week, for four to six weeks. You will be amazed how much information you will receive. I'm sure we cn get Mr. Norton to help us! (And, yes, I did traffic studies for two summers while in college/law school for the organization that predated WILMAPCO.)

  • Hope you enjoyed "your" newsletter from the "funkytown Press." The "I's" are out, and "You" can make a difference. Say hello to our neighbors, friends and visitors. Pick up litter. Be ready to help us as we create a more positive image. Please Recycle.

New-ark...A Wonderful Place to Live

  • Next Funkytown Gazette topics:
    1. Conservation -- What can we do?
    2. The students are coming.
    3. Lawsuits -- Why is "the insurance company paid" relevant?

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