Do you hate separating out your recyclables, paying to have them picked up, or taking them to the recycling center? So much so, that you don’t recycle? Well, no more. A new law was signed Spring of 2010 to offer curbside recycling throughout the state of Delaware.
Starting in fall 2011, recycling bins and a regular recycling collection will be provided to all single-family homes. This service will be expanded to businesses and apartments over the next few years. The goal is to reduce the amount of trash that goes into expensive landfills, thus reducing the cost to the people of Delaware and reducing pollution as well.
The law eliminates the 5 cent deposit on bottles and replaces it with a 4 cent recycling fee. This fee will end by December 1, 2014 or possibly sooner if the recycling fee raises $22 million total. This fee creates the Delaware Recycling Fund, which will help purchase the bins and other equipment needed.