Friday, May 28, 2004

Microsoft Gets Off of Mythic[a]

Microsoft has agreed to step back from its alleged trademark infringement of Mythic Entertainment's popular trade name. Mythic had filed suit to stop Microsoft from pursuing game software under the name of Mythica, because it claimed that such use would be violative of Mythic's trademark. They settled under partially undisclosed ($) terms, and some other substantial terms involving the use of the name and web advertising.

Ooops! Check out the Copyright notice at the bottom of Mythic's page (the second link, above). There is a question mark after the word "copyright".

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Delaware's New Castle County Politics Gets Ugly with Indictment

In New Castle County, Delaware, the County Executive and his Chief Administrative Officer were indicted yesterday in a 47 page long indictment (pdf) in Federal District Court in Delaware.

There's been quite a bit of chatter about county politics the last couple of years, and I'd guess that the indictment might not be a surprise to anyone paying attention. The Wilmington News Journal has a number of articles today worth reading on the subject:

Gordon known for "simple hard work'

Freebery no stranger to controversy

Business goes on despite allegations

Janet Smith has followed parallel path

The headlines for the first News Journal article were in the largest front page type size I've seen in quite a while. I suspect that we will be seeing quite a lot of this tale in the local paper. I hope that whatever the outcome we can learn more about governing the county in a manner that doesn't allow people in positions of power to be facing charges like this.

Slower Lower Delaware Cuisine

The Washington Post takes a look at the food of Slower Lower Delaware.

While the Delaware Law Office is located above the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, some of us have been rumored to sneak across the canal in search of southern Delaware cooking.

The article made me hungry for some Old Bay coated shrimp. Umm... good eating.

Blogging to the Front of Business

The momentum is increasing, as blogging becomes more widely recognized as a valuable business communications tool. And the goliaths of the tech world are jostling for position. Bill Gates commented about the business role of blogging in this Reuters article. Google bought up last year. What's next? It looks like there will be a battle over the dominent blog technology, and to what, if anything, it is tied or bundled.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Meet the New Chief Justice

Many nights you can find him driving around the back forty acres in a tractor. Or mending fences. His hero is Thomas Jefferson. He's been a Judge in Superior Court, and Vice-Chancellor in Chancery Court, and a Justice in Delaware's Supreme Court.

This afternoon Myron T. Steele was invested with the office of Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court. It marks a new beginning for Delaware Courts' which were lead wonderfully for a twelve year term by former Chief Justice E. Norman Veasey. Congratulations to the new Chief Justice.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Estate Planning

There are a lot of myths and confusion about some aspects of estate planning. While you should always refer your specific question to an estate planning attorney, educating yourself about the process before hand will empower you to ask the right questions and understand the answers. Here is a good source for basic information to start your empowerment: ABA Public Information On Wills and Estate Planning

Sunday, May 23, 2004

More Pro Bono Representation in Delaware

Esteban Parra is reporting in the Wilmington News Journal that more Delaware lawyers donate their time to help people who can't afford legal representation.

A great place to start looking for information about free legal assistance is on the pages of Delaware Volunteer Legal Services.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Can I get You a Deck for Your Interstate?

Some interesting plans for the development of the City of Wilmington were unfurled this morning. Amongst them is a deck that would cover part of Interstate 95, which bisects the City of Wilmington.

Some of the plans have people concerned that the neighborhoods they know will be completely changed. They're right.

But, it's reassuring that there are plans as complete as the ones being discussed, which show some vision for a better City. Now the City just needs to find some money to make it happen.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Delaware has a New Chief Justice

Delaware's Supreme Court has a new leader with the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Myron T. Steele as Chief Justice. May his twelve year term be a successful one.

eBay tricks and traps

I might be the only member of my family that doesn't sell stuff on eBay.. But, I've thought about it.

While I'm usually pretty careful anyway, this article, Seller Beware: Protecting Yourself Against Auction Fraud, points out some fo the pitfalls of selling in a risk filled world. Recommended.

Search warrants and user information

LLRX presents an interesting question: Could you be sued for turning over an Internet user's sign-up information to law enforcement? The answer is a definite maybe.